Tue 21 Jan
°*° Petite Sexy Ebony°*° $50/ $100 Specials!!!! I Love Supporting My Troops!!! - 23
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs!!!!!!! ( hotel))
★ SeXy & SwEet ★BACK IN TOWN ★ JUST FOR YOU ★ SeXy MixXeD MaLiNo ★ - 23
(Colorado Springs, your place or mine)
Seductive 💎Charming💎Tantalizing💎 let me captivate you, come try me & you'll be coming back 4 more - 31
(Colorado Springs)
RATED #1_______₩!Th A °((SmacKaBle)) "B"oO"ty______₩ETT & jUiCY!♡ ♥ - 21
(Colorado Springs, (Incalls & Outcalls))
*ReD HoT*__ (¯` PaSSioNate ´¯) (¯`ReD HaiR !!! ´¯) Early Bird!!! - 21
(Colorado Springs, IN/OUTcalls)
《◆ REAL & REVIEWED ◆》 ♥ Irresistable Companion/ Elite Skills ♥ Up Late & Ready To Play!! →IN/OUT← - 21
(Colorado Springs, C.S Incalls & Out! Avail Now. Call Me!!!)
¤¤Pure NEW beauty class& a suductive vibe¤¥ book now 2girl specials available limited - 23
(Colorado Springs)
**rated #1...best on the block...$$60 SPECIALS avail$$ curvy,thick & beautiful, - 24
(Colorado Springs, C/Springs, platte/union in or out calls)
ONLY IN TOWN ON WEEKENDS.....SO..💋Come 2 Paradise*** SEXY, Voluptuous, BBW*** 👅 i'm waiting 4 u 💋 - 26
(Colorado Springs, N.Nevada/Garden of Gods)
o° °o♥ MY ♥o° CANDY °o♥o° SHOP °IS° OPEN °o♥o ° °o♥ - 19
(Colorado Springs, In & Outcalls)
★❤ ★❤ Pretty Model ❤ ❤ Nice and Toned ❤ ❤ In or Out ❤ SExxxxXY ❤ ❤Busty ((34DD)) ❤ ❤JAZZELLE - 25
(Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, Denver and Surrounding Areas, Ft Collins, Rockies)
¤¤Pure NEW beauty class& a suductive vibe¤ Last night¥ book now 2girl specials available - 23
(Colorado Springs)
New **** Hot ***** Curvy ***** Voluptous ***** BLONDE ( ( Jasmine ) ) - 25
(Colorado Springs, ColoradoSprings/Denver)
PLAYTIME❤💋❤💋🎊 DonT Miss Out!! 😘 Ms Tiffany😘 Upscale Companion - 22
(Incall OutCall GRAND JUNCTION, Western Slope)
🎀NEW 🎀 Naughty Exotic 🌺Filipina & 🍍Native American Princess ! 100% Me or its Free - 22
(Colorado Springs, Incall & Outcall Available)
█▒ ╠╣_O_T ●NEW● G_I_R_L- in-call's- AND- outcalls- Avalible - 24
(Colorado Springs, Platte & Peterson In + Outcalls)
OMG, Harper Kelly has the best 30 minute specials... - 26
(Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, Fort Collins, Ft Collins, Rockies)
NEW PiCS ↬₮σdαγ Oη∫γ HR Sρεciα∫s↫ ΝΘ οηε DοξS iτ £iKξ Μξ! ღ ξχpεRiεηCε ΤRυξ PLξαSυRξ ღ Θη∫γ Visiτiηg - 26
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs/Garden of Gods)
☯ --- ☆ ☯ --- ☆ Luxurious INDULGENCE ☯ --- ☆ ☯ --- ☆ - 21
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs in/outcalls)
**** Not ALL Providers Are Created Equal! Call ME & Experience The DIFFERENCE! **** - 36
(Colorado Springs)
limits what limits i have none so lets test yours - 25
(Colorado Springs, citadel mall in/outcalls base friendly)
New!! •*¨¨*·-:¦:-·* __B__R __ E__A__T__H __T__A__ K__ I__N__G__ *·-:¦:-·*¨¨* - 25
(Colorado Springs)
Lt M PuT A $m!L 0n ¥0uR F@c The RaL DeaL here Taylor Made reviewed - 27
(Colorado Springs, Colorado springs in/outcalls)
❥❥✷❥❥δiℳpℓy✷aℳaZinG❥❥✷❥❥ ✔✔💋τθρQυαℓιτγ💋✔ Upscale ✔💕SPECIALS JUNE 2nd ONLY NON NEGOTIABLE - 26
(Colorado Springs, OUTCALLS ONLY/Springs/Widefield)
Lt M PuT A $m!L 0n ¥0uR F@c The RaL DeaL here Taylor Made reviewed $75 special - 27
(Colorado Springs, Central Colorado springs in/outcalls)
Independent, Slim and Sexy!! Lets have some fun together! ~~ Recent Photos~~ - 19
(Colorado Springs, COS)
~ ° ~ IT'S ~ ~ TIME ~ * ~ FOR ~ ° ~ YOU ~ ~ TO ~ ° ~ HAVE ~~ A ~ * ~ TREAT √ - 21
(Colorado Springs, IN/OUTCALLS)
❤▃▃▃▃▃ 🔲Fun Exotic Doll ▃▃▃▃▃▃❤▃▃▃▃▃▃ 🔲 SLENDER FIGURE▃▃▃▃▃▃❤▃▃▃▃▃▃ 🔲 PRETTY FACE ▃▃▃▃▃▃❤▃▃▃▃▃ - 23
(At your door within 15 mins ;), Colorado Springs)
Girl Next Door Experience💕Sexy Sophisticated & Friendly💕Freaky Fun & Open Minded😜 - - 25
(Colorado Springs)
~~Fun and Curvy for you!! ~~ PIERCED AND TATTOOED!! ~~ Dark hair ~~ Enchanting blue eyes - 25
(Colorado Springs)
°•❤•° HiGhLy ReViEwEd ViSiTiNg.... YoU Don'T WaNT tO MiSS THiS°•❤•° - 36
•• •• • •▃ ▅ ▆ █ ★ FLAWLESS ★ ———★ UNFORGETTABLE ★ █ ▆ ▅ ▃ • • • • • • • ★ UPSCALE★ - 25
(Colorado Springs)
good morning beautiful people>> endangered species here lol i only rise up to have fun! - 37
(Colorado Springs, colorado springs to denver)
HERE LiMitED TiMe WEEEKEND ONLY!!!! .... jAZZMINA & MicKeY 720 4045349 - 20
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs IN/OUTcalls)
GrEeN EyEd GoDdEsS (()) BuStY BeAuTy (()) SeDuCtIvE SIREN (()) SPECIALS - 21
{{FuN & ReFReSHiNG}} °°°°°° CHeCK Me ouT!!! °°°°°° {{NeW iN ToWN}} - 35
(Colorado Springs, colorado springs IN & OUTCALLS)
☆ CO'S Hottest & #1 Sweetheart..Serious Men Only call NOW for Service ❤IM BACK - 27
(Colorado Springs, OUTCALLS ONLY)
***CoMe HaVe SoMe 5***** StAr FuN WiTh SeXy LeXi ~ HoT LaTiNa *** - 26
(Colorado Springs, where u want me to b)
💋💋💋 don't waste your time with the rest 💦💦💦 WHEN YOU CAN HAVE THE BEST 💞💞💞💞 - 24
(Colorado Springs, OUTCALLS ONLY)
💖DD's Stand for "Duh Damn!" 💖160hr outcalls only 👙 Let's Have Some Fun ❣ 💋outcalls 208-907-1588 - 29
(Colorado Springs, outcalls,springs, monument,fountain)
EXOTIC Hispanic⚀ MixedDoll faceLondon⚀ 100 ✔special fun an ⚀Entergetic call now⚀ - 27
(Colorado Springs, Garden of the gods area Outcalls everywh)
Comε TasTε Mε ☆ Supεr Sεxy EXo†¡c V¡xεη ☆ K¡ℓℓεr Curvεs __ αvα¡ℓαbℓε ηow __ 100% Plεasurε__Nεw Pics - 21
(Colorado Springs, South Colorado Springs Incall & Outcall)