Sat 04 Jan
(FLAWLESS★ BRAND NEW Gorgeous BLONDE Sweetheart - Sexy CHARMING Bombshell ★ - 21
(Colorado Springs)
* 5 * S * T * A * R * ! * B * e * A * u * T * y * !! NeW PiCts :) - 25
(Colorado Springs, Southern Springs & Surrounding Areas)
° o ☎ o° A CALL YOU WON'T REGRET °o ☎ o - NEW N TOWN° o ☎ o° - 20
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs OUT CALLS ONLY 24/7)
= J_U_S_T= __•❤ •__ =W_ H _ A_T= __•❤ •__ =Y_O_U= __•❤ •__ =C_R_A_V_E = •❤ • - 24
(Colorado Springs, north springs!)
Eotic Mixed DoLL♥ ..* Sweet & PeTiTe* .. ♥ New girl comin your way!!! - 20
(Colorado Springs, in/ out calls)
♛• Your Sexy Treat *•♛• CuRvY Petite Ebony *•♛• Extremely Addicting*•♛ - 23
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs/Ft Carson)
💎🆕💎🆕💎 what Are You Waiting For?! You Know You Want It... 💎🆕💎🆕💎 - - 25
(Colorado Springs, north acadamy)
*UP late* I AM *ALL* you need, GUARANTEED!!! Promise, YOU will be breathless IF you dare test THIS - 21
(Colorado Springs, Yours/Mine)
✿ toe CURLING ✿ 🍉➜➜ aMaZiNGLy jUiCy ➜➜ 🍉�➜➜ ➜➜ Mouth Watering Bombshell➜➜💦✔✔👠 Early Birds Come - 24
(Colorado Springs, Circle Dr. (Morning InCall))
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs IN and OUT calls)
╠╣∅T ♥S—E— X—Y ♥ TÕUCH M€——SPECIALS——T€AS€ M€ ——💋——F€€L M€——💋——PL€AS€ M€ ╠╣∅T ♥SPECIALS - 24
(Colorado Springs, OUT CALLS)
SwEEt K@NdY AmiiNa L@tiiNa (719)*849*5391 80$pecial$ incall. - 23
(Colorado Springs, colorado springs.)
★★ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄♡ ★ PEtiTe BeAuTy★ ▄♡ ▄♡ ▄★AVAILABLE NOW★▄♡ ▄♡ ▄★HOT PRICES IN AND OUT CALLS▄♡ ▄♡ ▄★★ - - 22
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Spings)
NEW PICS!**^ $SPECIALS avail.$^** INDEPENDANT, DISCREET & UNRUSHED**U just cant get enough... ;-)*** - 24
(Colorado Springs, garden of gods/Hwy I-25 (North C/Spgs))
returning 1/31~BBW Knockout~ *available NOW*~Boob Lovers ~*$pecials All Day* - 30
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs in/out I25/GOG)
MELODY¨¨*:•★ ☎️Seductive Young Beauty❤ ❤ I Know What I am Doing*¨¨*:•★ Have Looks and Body 🔥 - 22
(Colorado Springs)
Looking for some fun? Come by and see Juicy Jessica!!! 100% real! Having a $50 special this weekend, - 29
(Colorado Springs)
√√√√ Let me give u the pleasure u deserve √√√√ Erotic latina playmate $$ specials $$ - 24
(Colorado Springs, In /Out calls only)
In&out; Calls available now! Your place?? Or mine?? - 40
(Colorado Springs, In call private Res Academy& S Chelton)
Hola papi♥Dominican fireball full of fun ~fresh~young~Aaliyah♥♡90$ incall - 19
(Colorado Springs, south spring OUT CALLS)
{}{}{}{}{}{} HeY Guyz & G.I.s. ITS MySTiQuE StaRLIgHt & Im uP All NiGhT.{}{}{}{} - 39
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs 858-837-9024)
FREAK IN THE SHEETS Super Sexy N.j. Blonde call Lacey new pics - 29
(Colorado Springs, colorado springs colorado)
FUN!!! FUN!!! FUN!!! * #1 Playmate * Amazing skills * - 25
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Colorado)
♥ BlonDE GoRGEoUS PLaYMaTe In Call Special For Sunday ♥ - 41
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs IN/OUT Call)
BACK IN TOWIN!! Double Fun For The Price Of One!! Mature Red Hair and Sexy Russian 4 Hand Massage! - 28
BeàuTiFüŁ BRänd NèW BLöŃDïè ❤ HoTŚpîNNèR ❤ - 22
(Colorado Springs, colorado springs in/out calls everywhere)
any price works u name it I'll work something out with u - 21
(Colorado Springs, colorado.springs in&out; calls &milltary;)
100$ special Super sexi smokin hot erotic full body massage! Today only Call/txt now (719)321-5959 - 30
(Colorado Springs, My place-westside)
200 overnight special rest of thursday night *Strawberry blonde ***5'2" 110lbs super sweet and sexy - 25
(Colorado Springs)
$100 Incall Special - Special - Special *-*-*Temptation in it's Purest Form*-*-* - 27
(Colorado Springs)
► ► ► Upscale Companion Introduction Service in Colorado. ► ► ► !!! OUT CALLS ONLY!!! - 44
(Colorado Springs)
****** AgeLess ****** BusTy ****** ChaRismaTic ***** DiVa ******AVAILABLE * FOR * 1 * MORE * NIGHT - 69
(Colorado Springs)
5★QT On Duty «╝ smaLL waiSt ➜GREAT A.S.S - 25
(Colorado Springs, Circle & I 25 (_Near Fort Carson...)
***Mystique Starlight * TONIGHT* Thats right!!! *NEW PICS!! - 43
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs centraal)
NEw_ P e T i T e_ ( * MOdeL_TYPE * ) & (ExOTiC BoMbShELL ) _ ( HiGhLy REViEWEd ) - 22
(Colorado Springs, 1-25 Garden Of The Gods [[Incalls Only]])
}} Looking to take a load off from a hard days work {{ Click HERE - 20
(Colorado Springs, in & out calls)
!☠!__________!☠ !__________ ✔S¡MpLY ♥ ßeαutifuℓ_!☠ !_➜ !! BRAND NEW PICS Fri.march. 1St ;) - 25
(Colorado Springs, Circle➜i25)
♥ SeXy ★¨ItALiAn*: •{DaZZLiNG} •:*•5 ☆StAr ChIc ¨*:• {100%% REAL} • :*★¨*: •TOTAL {KNOCKOUT} •: *¨•☆ - 24
(Colorado Springs, IN CALLS & OUT!!!!)
-:¦:- (SeXxiNeSS) .-:¦:-. (IN) -:¦:-(EVERY) -:¦:- (WaY-) :¦:-c0me AnD ---;{{pLaY }} - 20
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs OUT CALLS ONLY 24/7)
$$$$Fantasies And All Your Dreams Come True Specials - 30
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Colorado)
!!!!! Sexy Smoking Hot German and Black Hottie!!! - 19
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs and peublo)