Tue 21 Jan
* * N O RUSH! ★█ PETITE BEAUTY █ ★100 % Real * 100% SEXY * * - 21
(Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods In/Outs)
New Pics!!!!!! ¡Specials ☆●• ♥♡ !!!! SexY & SwEEt ExotCaLly EroTiC MiXxEd Malino TreAt ♡♥•●☆ - 25
(Colorado Springs, north east incall & out calls)
**Luscious Lilly** YoUR Private S3xY GET AWAY - 25
(Colorado Springs, colorado springs and surrounding)
NEW INCALL __ (( *ExTrEmElY * )) —*HOTT* —(( *Sexy * )) — Perfect Round A.S.S - Emma
(Colorado Springs, Denver, Pueblo, INCALL DOWN TOWN COS / OUTCALL COS)
"Looking For Something Hot, Soft, Sexy & Amazing?" **** Petite Blonde Bombshell **** 720-315-5053 - 25
(Colorado Springs, Downtown Colorado Springs)
Let me RUB you the right way!! Quality at a great rate!! $100/hr!! Let me make you smile! - 25
(Colorado Springs, Co Springs - Outcall)
I’m new in town,Ready for an unforgettable experience with a REAL beauty-100% REAL PHOTOS - 26
(Colorado Springs, Incall/Outcall)
☆ J a w D r o p p i n g ★ M o u t h w a t e r i n g ☆ Very Sexy Playmate * Available Tonight♥ - 28
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs & surrounding)
₩h¥ ₩aSTe time & $$$??!! MoSt oF tHeSe giRls aRe usiNg FAKE pics! 1OO% REAL 🍑 peaches ☆lOok no more - 22
(Colorado Springs, FT CARSON)
Explore your taboo desires with an open minded TS & creative kinky companion Thursday special - 38
(Denver, Golden, Rifle co, Rockies, Western Slope)
****Beautiful New Green Eyed Pics****SANTANA At Her BEST****Early Bird Special** - 21
(Colorado Springs)
Back iN The Springs ... VISITING && REVIEWED!! Sweet Caramel Treat 4 U!! - 29
(Denver Downtown, I-25 exit 150 COS)
🏈Are You Ready For Some Football?🏉 Super 🍒Sexy 🍒Girl Next Door🍒 🏈🏉🏈Go Broncos🏈🏉🏈 - 26
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs/Downtown)
ALmOst EvErYtHiNG ▃▅▆██▆▅ BiG B(O)(O)TY OpEN MiNDEd ▅▆██▆▅▃ 1000% ReAL - 22
(Colorado Springs, springs)
"Allow Me To Be One Of Your Favorite Sweets To Indulge In" **** Evening Specials **** 720-315-5053 - 25
(Colorado Springs)
ASIAN*:•.♥ WoW!;•:*¨¨*:New iN Town sExxY NeW pLaYMaTe iN *HeAvenS* ♥ *pLaYgRoUnD* ;•:*¨¨ - - 21
(Colorado Springs)
1oo SPECIAL.Perfect Package of GREAT b00bs - Strawberry blond Hair - Smooth Skin - +++ - 23
(iNCALL Near downtown off of 25)
**()** #1 rated top of the line **()** your satisfaction is 100% -( military special, in location)- - 21
(Colorado Springs, springs)
420 Talent would like to make you the next TOP MODEL, but we need YOU to take the next step! - 18
(Colorado Springs)
College Guys - Make $1000+ Fast and Easy! - 25
(Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, Ft Collins, Rockies, LAS VEGAS)
Hey Guys, Why not get Paid Doing what we Love! - 32
(Boulder, Colorado Springs, Denver, Ft Collins, Phoenix)
Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
* * N O RUSH! ★█ PETITE BEAUTY █ ★100 % Real * 100% SEXY * * - 21
(Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods In/Outs)
**Luscious Lilly** YoUR Private S3xY GET AWAY - 25
(Colorado Springs, colorado springs and surrounding)
ThE HoTtEsT LiTtLe SeCrEt NeXt DoOr AvAiLaBlE NoW!! $70 - 28
(Colorado Springs, I-25 and fillmore area Incall / Outcalls)
Sweet Sexy Seductive ... Pics 100% me or it's free .. Don't miss me !! - 23
(Colorado Springs, North Central Incall)
Thu 09 Jan
ღღღღღღWANNA PLAY??ღღღ COME SEE ღღღღღღ T R I N I T Y ღღღღღღ - 45
(Colorado Springs, Palmer Park/North Academy area)
ThE HoTtEsT LiTtLe LaDy ArOuNd AvAiLaBlE NoW!! $70 - 28
(Colorado Springs, I-25 and Circle Incall / Out)
Naughty NaTALYA ...Ive been a Naughty girl .. Come spank me, pull my hair for being a bad girl! - 24
(Colorado Springs, colorado springs and surrounding)
Extremely Open Minded and Ready to Please - CMT - Visiting - Russian - Magdalena - 32
(Colorado Springs, East Colorado Springs (in/out))
Wed 08 Jan
New Yes I mean NEW Coming To Denver All Week EBONY sweet Treat Full HR $200 - 18 - 18
(Denver, Denver co)
Tue 07 Jan
New Pics!!!!!! ¡Specials ☆●• ♥♡ !!!! SexY & SwEEt ExotCaLly EroTiC MiXxEd Malino TreAt ♡♥•●☆ - 25
(Colorado Springs, north east incall & out calls)
🌉🍘⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛🍘New to the town 🍘⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛🍘🌉🌉Call: 719-598-1858🌉🌉🍘⬛⬛⬛⬛⬛🌉 - - - 24 - 23
(3326 Austin Bluffs PKWY Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs)
°°★°° M0uTHWaTERiNG °°★° 11O LBS of SWEET tasty fun! - 21
(Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods In/Outs)
SEXy And PLAyfuL iLL Please you NOT teAsE yOu!** - 26
(Colorado Springs, out CAllS/ In CAlls yours or myne)
➸KiKi➸T✪✪ ╠╣OT 2 ╠╣ANDLE ♥♡♥ Frεαky Sεxy 💋δwεεT & Discrεεt! ·:☆:·➜ℒεʈى ℘ℓαƴ💋★Cαℓℓ➜(469) 844-3665 - 22
(Colorado Springs, My place...Garden of the Gods.i25)
Mon 06 Jan
Back iN The Springs ... VISITING && REVIEWED!! Sweet Caramel Treat 4 U!! - 29
(Denver Downtown, I-25 exit 150 COS)
lingerie maid services i come to you 208-907-1588 watch me clean your house - 29
Let me RUB you the right way!! Quality at a great rate!! $100/hr!! Let me make you smile! - 25
(Colorado Springs, Co Springs - Outcall)
YoUr SeNsATiOnal LiTtLe SeCrEt NeXt DoOr!!! $60 for 30 mins - 28
(Colorado Springs, South Nevada Incall or Outcalls)
💋 💋Playmate 👑 Incall Special Available NOW.!! - 20
(Boulder, City of Denver, Colorado Springs, Denver, Ft Collins, Incall available, Pueblo, Rockies, Western Slope)
lingerie maid services i come to you 208-907-1588 watch me clean your house - 29
BLONDE BOMBSHELL ~ GLaMoUr MoDeL~ let me show you TRUE ecstasy - - 19
(Colorado Springs, colorado springs/ circle drive)