Tue 21 Jan
Last day before I go to DENVER mature well REVIEWED—— TALL —EROTIC - SEXY — Voluptuous - 30
(Colorado Springs, CENTRAL SPRINGS Academy & Austin bluffs)
L ~ O ~ O ~ K ! ! ! 24 / 7 {{ $$ 40 $$ 16mins }} ~*~ {{ $$ 60 $$ 22mins }} ~*~ G-e-O-r-G-i-A PeAcH - 26
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs FOUNTAIN & ACADEMY)
—————Mature well REVIEWED ———— TALL EROTIC SEXY —voluptuous ——————— ——————————————— - - 29
(Colorado Springs, CENTRAL SPRINGS academy n Austin bluff)
Leaving soon ✈️✈️ Gorgeous🎀💞 💋Petite👙Playmate 💖Big Booty Vixen💋💋 - 22
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs n academy)
In&out; calls Wood Morning!! Got wood??? I can help you with that - 40
(Colorado Springs, In call private Res Academy& S Chelton)
~ LAST NITE ~ FRENCH MAIDEN ** Excuse my English ** 5'4" - 34-24-36 - 122lbs ~ - 25
(Colorado Springs, Fountain / Academy)
L ~ O ~ O ~ K **** 24 / 7 {{ $$ 40 $$ 16mins }} ~*~ {{ $$ 60 $$ 22mins }} ~*~ G-e-O-r-G-i-A PeAcH - 27
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs FOUNTAIN & ACADEMY)
In or out calls Wood Morning!! Got wood??? I can help you with that - 40
(Colorado Springs, In call private residence)
I'm Back!!! So if you Missed me Last time, Don't Miss Me Again! - 28
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs off of Academy)
In&out; calls Wood Morning!! Got morning wood?? Let me help you with that - 40
(Colorado Springs, In & out calls available)
In& out calls! Morning wood? Got you up?? Yum Yum come&& get you some!! - 40
(Colorado Springs, In call S Chelton &Academy;)
im HOME —— TALL EROTIC SEXY — Voluptuous ———————UPSCALE mature well REVIEWED ——————————————— - - 29
(Colorado Springs, CENTRAL SPRINGS Academy & Austin bluffs)
🔥💨HOT 💋 €XOTIC 🔥 M!Litary BR@T (50. QV)💦MILITARY 🔥SpeC!@L !💨100%QuALity 💨🔥! - 26
(Colorado Springs, South Springs(Academy)50qv💋80Hlf hr🔥)
★★**★ I Taste Way Better Than I Look 😍 $60 Incall morning Specials - 23
(Colorado Springs, Incall north academy)
•°•☆•°• Heaven ☆•°• •°°• ON •°• ☆•°• Earth •°•☆•°• $100 Specials - 23
(Colorado Springs, Upscale... North Academy)
🌟✨💫Heavenly Is Here💫✨🌟Come Experience Something SEXY& SENSUAL💋 - 20
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs N. Academy)
hh specials✴QUALITY service💋 for QUALITY gentlemen✴ UPSCALE Companio!🎀INCALL ONLY🎀 - 20
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs (S. academy))
G- $- e- $- O- $- r- $- G- $- i- $- A P-e-A-c-H (IN CALLS ONLY) - 26
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Fountain & Academy)
▓ G ▓ O ▓ R ▓ G ▓ E ▓ O ▓ U ▓ S ▓ MAGICAL SPA ♥ Best Asian Massage & Staff ♥ ☆ █▒ ╠╣OT █▒ █▒ ╠╣!! - 24
(Colorado Springs, 1905 N. ACADEMY BLVD. COLORADO SPRINGS)
*** Great New Friday Special *** Try These Hot SPECIALS *** great specials *** - 25
(Colorado Springs, galley and academy 719 306 8558)
G- $ - e - $ - O - $ - r - $ - G - $ - i - $ - A P-e-A-c-H - - 26
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, Colorado)
~~^~~ I'M BACK ! ! ! ~~^~~ { { G*E*O*R*G*I*A ~ PEACH } } $$ 40 $$ \ 16mins *** $$ 60 $$ \ 22mins** - 27
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs FOUNTAIN & ACADEMY)
\ (•◡•) / H o l i d a y S p e c i a l s W i t h T✿A✿B✿I✿T✿H✿A\ (•◡•) / - 50
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs/South Academy N Jetwing)
HI...30$ incall special... let me warm you...90$ outcall special.. is the holiday boys.... - 27
(Colorado Springs, fountain and Academy)
💄🎀❤️Gentlemen's #1 Choice❤️ 💗•B€ÅUTIFUL •💓P€TIT€ 💓•STUNNING •PLAYMAT€❤️🎀💄 - 21
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Incalls🌟N. Academy)
(¯`•.★.✸° GirLFRiEnd fUn! WITHOUT the Girlfriend dRaMa!! °✸.★.•´¯) - 31
(Colorado Springs, North Academy)
~*~ Finish ~*~ What ~*~ Ur ~*~ Eyes ~*~ Started ~*~ $50 Specials!!!!!!! - 23
(Colorado Springs, fountain and academy)
Get some honey from this sexy snow bunny ! Super sweet treat! $ special - 31
(Colorado Springs, Upscale N C0 Spgs off 25 & N Academy)
G e O r G i A $$$ PeAcH is BaCk ! ! ! (NEW PICS) - 26
(Colorado Springs, colo.springs Fountain & Academy)
~*~ Finish ~*~ What ~*~ Ur ~*~ Eyes ~*~ Started ~*~ $50 Specials!!! Ready 2 Play!!!! - 23
(Colorado Springs, fountain and academy)
Come Meet Colorado Springs ~ *~*New Exotic Playmate*~ *Neyomi - 21
(Colorado Springs, Off Academy n 25)
♥GirL NEXT Door ▃★ H O T T E S T ★▃▃ ♥$60 specials - 25
(Colorado Springs, Upscale... North Academy)
G- $- e- $- O- $- r- $- G- $- i- $- A P-e-A-c-H - 26
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Fountain & Academy)
*~* Dont Settle 4 Less*~* You Deserve The Best *~* Specials!!!!!!! *~* - 23
(Colorado Springs, F0UNTAIN & ACADEMY)
ღღღ Come See ღღღ SABRINA ღღღ Tabitha's Cousinღღღ - 46
(Colorado Springs, South Academy/Hancock area)
💦💧{{Don't MISS My Specials}} **Highly Reviewed** 💋🍭🍫 Chocolate Princess 💋🍭 - 23
(Colorado Springs, Incall Academy and Austin Bluff)
( ~ ** C~*~O~*~M~*~E*~~ ** ~~ N~~O~~W~!!!) FEELS ** SO ** GOOD (Georgia Peach) - 26
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Fountain & Academy)
.•$•. DreAmSicLe .•$•. SwEeT $ sExY .•$•. #1 PlAyMaTe .•$•. - 25
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, CO ~N. Academy~)
Come Meet Colorado Springs ~ *~*New Exotic Playmate*~ *Neyomi - 21
(Colorado Springs, Off Academy n 25)
♥ ---B€TTËR THAN H€R⇧ÄND HÊR⇩ 🎀ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ🎀° EXØTiC ƒяєαк 💋💦♥♡♥ - 21
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Incalls/ N. Academy)
! Dirty lil Secret , With Dangerously Unique Assets & Talents 24/7 !!! - 27
(Colorado Springs, north academy , chapel hills)
Beautiful blue eyed, blonde hair, southern belle. Full figured bbw!!! - 18
(Colorado Springs, North Academy)
(Colorado Springs, north academy incalls only)
ASK ABOUT TABITHA'S THURSDAY SPECIALS!!!✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ Tabitha is 50 ✿ N ✿ T H I C K ✿ ✿ ✿ - 50
(Colorado Springs, Palmer Park/North Academy area)
ATTENTION! $100 Half Hour♋💋💞★☆♥♥CoMpLEtE SaTISfACTioN💞♥♥☆★ InCaLL SpeCiALs☎ ☎☆★♥♥💞💋♋ - 50
(Colorado Springs, North Academy Area!!!)
🌟🌟$80 Special 🌟🌟 Best BodyRubs◆MY HANDS R MAGICAL| Flawless Mixed BUSTY 44DD BodyRub Specialist - 29
(Colorado Springs, Nice N Academy Location/Incall Only/ $80)
👀 ♋💋💎💕 Beautiful 💯% ((💥KNOCK**👊**OUT💥)) Hot💣🐚💣 ((BOMBSHELL))💣🐚💣 💦👄💜 ☎☎☎ME👣 - 31
(Colorado Springs, North Academy)
↪↪$80 Special↩↩ 5★ WOW TREATMENT! Best ToeCurling Exciting Erotic BodyRub | Sexy Mixed 44DDs BABE!! - 29
(Colorado Springs, Nice N Academy Location/Incall Only/ $80)
ALmOst EvErYtHiNG ▃▅▆██▆▅ BiG B(O)(O)TY OpEN MiNDEd ▅▆██▆▅▃ 1000% ReAL - 22
(Colorado Springs, springs)
{ { ~~^~~ $ $ 40 $ $ \ 16mins ~~^~~ $ $ 60 $ $ \ 22 mins ~~^~~ } } - WARM & JUICY - (GeOrGiA PeAcH) - 26
(Colorado Springs)
~*~ 40~*~ 60 ~*~ 80 ~*~ Sexy Ebny Playmate Available 24/7 - 23
(Colorado Springs, F0UNTAIN & ACADEMY)
$$50 IT'S FRIDAY ** party at my place ** SpeCiAlz * New** IM A MUST SEE ** AvAilaBle NoW## sexy - 22
(Colorado Springs, fountain/ academy)
**60** Sexy latina with lots of curves and HUGE titties - 25
(Colorado Springs, Academy and fountain blvd)
$55 Porter Rican . .incall55$ Porter Rican..incall Happy New Year boys$$$$$$$ - 27
(Colorado Springs, fountain and Academy)
{{~~^~~ $ $ 40 $ $ \ 16mins ~^~ $$ 60 $$ \ 22 mins ~~^~~}} ? On -A- - Budget ? (GeOrGiA PeAcH) - 26
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, FOUNTAIN & ACADEMY)
$$$> $$$ ^*^Available 24/7^*^ ***want it great, i'm even up late...*** - 26
(Colorado Springs, fountain/academy, colorado springs)
Back till Sunday—— TALL EROTIC SEXY — Voluptuous ———————catch me before i leave ——————————————— - - 29
(Colorado Springs, CENTRAL SPRINGS Academy & Austin bluffs)
~~*~~ $$ 40 $$ ~*~ $$ 60 $$ ~*~ $$ 80 $$ etc. ~~*~~ THE MORE YOU DO * THE BETTER IT GETS - 27
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, FOUNTAIN & ACADEMY)
24 / 7 {{ $$ 40 $$ 16mins }} ~*~ {{ $$ 60 $$ 22mins }} ~*~ G-e-O-r-G-i-A PeAcH - 27
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, FOUNTAIN & ACADEMY)
{ { ~~^~~ $ $ 40 $ $ \ 16mins ~~^~~ $ $ 60 $ $ \ 22 mins ~~^~~ } } - WARM & JUICY - (GeOrGiA PeAcH) - 26
(Colorado Springs, Colo.spgs.co. FOUNTAIN & ACADEMY)
$55 Porter Rican . .incall55$ Porter Rican..incall$$ outcall 120 dollars$$$$ - 27
(Colorado Springs, Academy and fountain)
$55 dollars holiday specials happy new years... outcall incall 55 dollars Holiday Special boys - 27
(Colorado Springs, Academy and fountain)
$80 outcall specials...$80 incall special... I'll come to you boys come get it for the new year.$80 - 27
(Colorado Springs, fountain and Academy)
{~~$$ 40 $$ \ 16m~*~$$ 60 $$ \ 22m~~} Lets Have Fun with sexy G $ e $ O $ r $ G $ i $ A PeAcH - 26
(Colorado Springs, Colo.spgs.co. FOUNTAIN & ACADEMY)
24 / 7 {{ $$ 40 $$ 16mins~*~$$ 60 $$ 22mins }} ~*~ EARLY MORNING SPECIAL ~*~ G-e-O-r-G-i-A PeAcH - 26
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, FOUNTAIN & ACADEMY)
---**$$ 40 $$ \ 16mins *** $$ 60 $$ \ 22mins**--- I-GOT-WHAT -U-WANT { Georgia Peach } - 26
(Colorado Springs, Colo.spgs.co. FOUNTAIN & ACADEMY)
$55 outcall special$$..55$ incall special boys happy new year - 27
(Colorado Springs, Academy and fountain)
719-963-3127 & Fancy Red hot latina mix call today si habla tespanol!you begging for more. aI am Fan - 26
(Colorado Springs, Academy and Hancock)