Sat 04 Jan
G - $ - e - $ - O - $ - r - $ - G - $ - i - $ - A P-e-A-c-H - 26
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Fountain & Academy)
(S ****T ****O ****P ~~!!) -*-( ~*~ L ~^~ O ~^~ O ~^~ K ! ! ! ~*~ ) IT's Georgia Peach!! - 26
(Colorado Springs)
G $ e $ O $ r $ G $ i $ A PeAcH is back ! ! ! with (New Pics) - 26
(Colorado Springs, colo.springs / Fountain & Academy)
Exotic Egyptian/ Italian Mix with Saturday night Specials! Don't Miss Out! ! ! - 19
(Colorado Springs, N Academy(in),Colorado springs(&out;))
24 / 7 {{ $$ 40 $$ 16mins }} ~*~ {{ $$ 60 $$ 22mins }} ~*~ G-e-O-r-G-i-A PeAcH - 26
(Colorado Springs, colo. srings fountain & academy)
Fri 03 Jan
*★*—— IM HeRe—— *★*—— !1OO%—— *★*—— Sky —— *★*—$100 Special - 22
(Colorado Springs, inoutcalls North Academy)
G- $- e- $- O- $- r- $- G- $- i- $- A P-e-A-c-H (IN CALLS ONLY)(outs200) - 26
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Fountain & Academy)
G $ e $ O $ r $ G $ i $ A PeAcH is back ! ! ! with (New Pics) - 26
(Colorado Springs, colo.springs / Fountain & Academy)
—————Well REVIEWED ————█ TALL EROTIC SEXY CURVY ! █———————— ——————————————— - - 29
(Colorado Springs, CENTRAL SPRINGS academy n Austin bluff)
ღღღღღღ W A N N A ღ ღ P L A Y ღ ღ C O M E ღ ღ S E E ღ ღ T R I N I T Y ღღღღღღ - 45
(Colorado Springs, South Academy/Hancock area)
Sexy can we....$60.. 2 girls for the price of one - 18
(Colorado Springs, Co. Springs Fountain & Academy)
PRE- POST!!! First Time In Colorado Springs!! - Scarlet Obrien is TOURING! - 23
(Colorado Springs, Academy & i25)
CURIOUS to TRY ⁉️‼️ TRANSEXUAL Porn star DEMII D BEST ‼️ VISITING 2day Only ‼️‼️ let's HAVE REAL fun 🎥❤️‼️‼️ - 24
(Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods ; north Academy blv)
ASK ABOUT TABITHA'S THURSDAY SPECIALS!!!✿ ✿ ✿ ✿ Tabitha is 50 ✿ N ✿ T H I C K ✿ ✿ ✿ - 50
(Colorado Springs, Palmer Park/North Academy area)
Thick Thighs and Hazel Eyes Full Figured Beauty - 37
(Colorado Springs, co spgs..airport and academy)
♛♛[☆THe ☆Pєяƒє¢† ☆TREAT☆ ]♛💚♛[☆] ❤❤🎀💕🎀 YoU HAvEN'T HaD 💖ThE BeST 💖❤❤👑UnTIL u HAD☆ME - 22
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Air Force academy)
—————MATURE upscale ————————█ TALL EROTIC SEXY VOLUPTUOUS ! █———————— ——————————————— - - 29
(Colorado Springs, CENTRAL SPRINGS academy n Austin bluff)
◀(LOok!! 80/100/150 🐰NEW White Girl🐰!!)▶ GRAB ALL THIS B😃😃ty (🆕 #1 Provider 🆕) AVAILABLE 24/7 - 22
(Colorado Springs, N. Academy Incalls)
💦💧{{Don't MISS My Specials}} **Highly Reviewed** 💋🍭🍫 Chocolate Princess 💋🍭 - 23
(Colorado Springs, Incall Academy and Austin Bluff)
Thick Thighs and Hazel Eyes Full Figured Beauty - 37
(Colorado Springs, co spgs..airport and academy)
🎀【£xoTic★£bonY 】🎀【NO ★ TiMe LiMiTs】🎀1000% Real Pics 🎀【SEXY★ SLIM】🎀【FuN ★ SWEET】 - 20
(Colorado Springs, INCALL ONLY!!!! NORTH ACADEMY)
SPECIALs !!!! Dirty lil Secret , With Dangerously Unique Assets & Talents 24/7 !!! - 27
(Colorado Springs, n academy & kelly johnson)
Sexy can we....$60.. 2 girls for the price of one - 18
(Colorado Springs, Co. Springs Fountain & Academy)
💋🎀 SeXxy ComPaniOn 💕 ULTIMATE ExPerienCe LOADzZz of FUN 👅 BABE with A NiCe ROUND bOOty - 31
(Colorado Springs, North Academy & I-25)
☆ PeTiTe ☆ SwEeT☆ uPsCaLe BlonDe ☆ ( New )$$ friday SPeCAiLS$$ - 19
(Colorado Springs, north academy- incalls only)
°👌P€RF€CT PlayMate °👌 Super S€XY 💋€L!t€ Provider 👌 {80Hlf hr°MILITARY Sp€c!@LS} 100%QuAlity 💋! - 26
(Colorado Springs, South Academy Close2 ft.Carson)
Lets Have Fun with - EBONY and SEXY- G $ e $ O $ r $ G $ i $ A P-e-A-c-H - 26
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Fountain & Academy)
{{ L ~ O ~ O ~ K }} *everything* 24/7 {{$$ 40 $$ 16mins\\$$ 60 $$ 22mins}} ~*~ G-e-O-r-G-i-A PeAcH - 27
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs FOUNTAIN & ACADEMY)
~*~ ~*~LATE MIDNIGHT SPECIAL~*~ ~*~ WITH SWEET {GeOrGiA PeAcH} $$ 40 $$ // $$ 60 $$ - 26
(Colorado Springs, FOUNTAIN & ACADEMY)
{ L ~ O ~ O ~ K } 24 / 7 {{ $$ 40 $$ 16mins }} ~*~ {{ $$ 60 $$ 22mins }} ~*~ G-e-O-r-G-i-A PeAcH - 27
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs FOUNTAIN & ACADEMY)
~I want To try Something New... Special Short Time Only... Bring a Buddy along For a discount Price! - 24
(Colorado Springs, I-25 & North Academy)
First Time In COLORADO SPRINGS!! Denvers Hottest Redhead - Scarlet Obrien is TOURING! - 23
(Colorado Springs, i25 and Academy!)
CURIOUS to TRY ⁉️‼️ TRANSEXUAL Porn star DEMII D BEST ‼️ VISITING 2day Only ‼️‼️ let's HAVE REAL fun 🎥❤️‼️‼️ - 24
(Colorado Springs, Garden of the Gods ; north Academy blv)
2 Ladies💋💎💕🌟Here ΤΟ 💎 βℓΟω 🌟γΟυr 💎ΜιηD 💋▓ ✯ ✯✯✯✯ ▓ ●EvErYtHiNg YoU DeSiRe aNd MoRe●▓💋 - 39
(Colorado Springs, North Academy Area!!!)
24/ 7 {{ $$ 40 $$ 16mins }} ~*~ {{ $$ 60 $$ 22mins }} ~*~ Dont Wait Too Late COME NOW ~*~ GeOrGiA - 27
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, FOUNTAIN & ACADEMY)
24 / 7 {{ $$ 40 $$ 16mins }} ~*~ {{ $$ 60 $$ 22mins }} ~*~ Dont Wait Too Late COME NOW ~*~ GeOrGiA - 27
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, FOUNTAIN & ACADEMY)
24 / 7 {{ $$ 40 $$ 16mins }}~*~{{ $$ 60 $$ 22mins }}~*~I'LL JINGLE YO BELLS GOOD~*~georgia peach - 26
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, FOUNTAIN & ACADEMY)
24 / 7 {{ $$ 40 $$ 16mins }} ~*~ {{ $$ 60 $$ 22mins }} ~*~ Dont Wait Too Late COME NOW GeOrGiA - 27
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, FOUNTAIN & ACADEMY)
$55 Porter Rican . .incall55$ Porter Rican..incall Happy New Year boys$$$$$$$ - 27
(Colorado Springs, fountain and Academy)
$$$> $$$ ^*^Available 24/7^*^ ***want it great, i'm even up late...*** - 26
(Colorado Springs, fountain/academy, colorado springs)
Thick Thighs and Hazel Eyes Full Figured Beauty - 37
(Colorado Springs, co spgs..airport and academy)
🌟🌟🌟Mystique Starlight 💋💋💋 719-367-0286 NEW PICS★★★ - 39
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs central)
New! Tall Exotic Lola Lomasi - Book Now from Sat 1pm-Mon 10am - Nice Incall N Academy area - 33
(Colorado Springs, N Academy)
Magical Spa!!! Best Asian Massage & Table Shower !! Military Welcome & Discount ! New Staff!!!!!! - 28
(Colorado Springs)
Lets Have Fun with - EBONY and SEXY- G $ e $ O $ r $ G $ i $ A P-e-A-c-H - 26
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Fountain & Academy)
💨🔥SMOK!NG HOT 💨🔥 PeRF€CT 👌Play Mat€ !🔥{100Hlf hr/180Hr OUT📞 Sp€C!@LS} 👌🔥100%QuALity 💨🔥! - 26
(Colorado Springs, South Springs /Academy& Close 2Ft.Carson)
(✿◠‿◠) T A B I T H A is 50 N T h i c k (✿◠‿◠) Is Back!!! - 50
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs/South Academy N Jetwing)
Sit Back, Relax And Enjoy! $50 Special all week for you! - 34
(Colorado Springs, N. Academy & Austin Bluffs)
Sexy well reviewed Francesca ~ CO Springs Incall - - 30
(Colorado Springs, CENTRAL SPRINGS Academy & Austin bluffs)
💝💝💝Sexy Why Not 💝💝 $70 specials ( I promise I'm worth it..!!!!!. - 25
(Colorado Springs, Upscale... North Academy)
(★★)(★★) █ *: : : B: : : A : : : D _ ✖ _ G : : : I : : : R : : : L: : : * █ (★★)(★★ - 19
(Colorado Springs, N. Academy & i-25)
***Beautiful Brunette **NATURAL 36 DD's** 100% Real Pics*** - 27
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Incall/Outcall)
Thu 02 Jan
$55 Porter Rican...55$ Porter Rican.. outcall I'll come you boys... incall... all night..55$55$$55 - 27
(Colorado Springs, Academy and fountain)
U KnOw U WaNt Me. (( 1oO SpEcIaL )) cLiCk HeRe! (( SkY )) NeW In ToWn.. - 19
(Colorado Springs, I-25 / N. ACADEMY BLVD. CO. SPRINGS)
💋🎀 SeXxy ComPaniOn 💕 ULTIMATE ExPerienCe LOADzZz of FUN 👅 BABE with A NiCe ROUND bOOty - 31
(Colorado Springs, North Academy & I-25)
°👌P€RF€CT PlayMate °👌 Super S€XY 💋€L!t€ Provider 👌 {80Hlf hr°MILITARY Sp€c!@LS} 100%QuAlity 💋! - 26
(Colorado Springs, South Academy Close2 ft.Carson)
S💨M💨O💨K💨I💨N💨G 🔥HoTt Cuban❤️ ⭐️Goddess ❤️❤️ Im BACK & Ready To Play $100Incalls - 22
(Colorado Springs, north academy)
SEXYY $50 Thursdayy 100%real pic NEW $eXy BeAuTiFul bRuNeTtE $$ 50 to 100$ sPECIALZ- NEW-NEW-NEW!!!! - 21
MATURE EROTIC ———————— WELL REVIEWED ————————— SEXY VOLUPTUOUS ! ———————— ——————————————— - 31
(CENTRAL SPRINGS Academy & Austin bluffs, Colorado Springs)
L ~ O ~ O ~ K **** 24 / 7 {{ $$ 40 $$ 16mins }} ~*~ {{ $$ 60 $$ 22mins }} ~*~ G-e-O-r-G-i-A PeAcH - 27
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs FOUNTAIN & ACADEMY)
~*~ Finish ~*~ What ~*~ Ur ~*~ Eyes ~*~ Started ~*~ $50 Specials!!! Ready 2 Play!!!! - 23
(Colorado Springs, fountain and academy)
ღღღ Come See ღღღ SABRINA ღღღ Tabitha's Cousinღღღ - 46
(Colorado Springs, South Academy/Hancock area)
24 / 7 {{ $$ 40 $$ 16mins }} ~*~ {{ $$ 60 $$ 22mins }} ~*~ G - e - O - r - G - i - A P-e-A-c-H - 26
(Colorado Springs)
💖💖Thick,Spanish,Big Booty,Thick Thighed FREAK.In And Out Call Specials. - 30
(Colorado Springs, S. Academy)
UPSCALE well REVIEWED—— TALL EROTIC SEXY — Voluptuous ——————— ——————————————— - - 29
(Colorado Springs, CENTRAL SPRINGS Academy & Austin bluffs)
Sit Back, Relax And Enjoy! $50 Special all week for you! - 34
(Colorado Springs, N. Academy & Austin Bluffs)
PRE- POST!!! First Time In Colorado Springs!! - Scarlet Obrien is TOURING! - 23
(Colorado Springs, Academy & i25)
Limited Time OnLy~~Leaving TODaY~~~~~~~~~~~Available NOW!~ SpinnerChick! - 30
(Colorado Springs, North COS and academy and Austin bluff)
G- $- e- $- O- $- r- $- G- $- i- $- A P-e-A-c-H (IN CALLS ONLY)(outs200) - 26
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Fountain & Academy)
°* Come Punish Me !!! *° ** °* I Got A $50 Specials Just 4 U!! *° °** ° °**° - 23
(Colorado Springs, Fountain and Academy)
ღღღღღღ C O M E ღ ღ S E E ღ ღ T R I N I T Y ღღღღღღ - 45
(Colorado Springs, South Academy/Hancock area)
$60$60 Specials 👅Watering💦 Mind💨Five🌟Service💎Come 💋See the💋 Best in Town💖💋 - 26
(Colorado Springs, Academy union)