Mon 27 Jan
YoUr SeNsATiOnal LiTtLe SeCrEt NeXt DoOr!!! $60 for 30 mins - 28
(Colorado Springs, South Nevada Incall or Outcalls)
in the spring/falcon /peyton tonight # 719-740-6377 lots of fun!! ur invited, $250 donation only. - 26
(co.springs/peyton/falcon availabe NOW)
I'm Back GuYS! in town Now. 7 SINS 1 Hott Body! NEW ConTact # 719-740-6377 - 26
(co.springs. incall/ outcall availabe NOW)
$60In•$80Out♥ KiLLER CuRVES ♥ BEST BOOTY ♥¤719.602.6672 ¤♥ TOP NOTCH 5 ☆ SeRvICe! ♥ click ╚» HERE! - 23
(Colorado Springs, now avail 4 outcalls to Fort Carson too!)
Tue 21 Jan
YoUr SeNsATiOnal LiTtLe SeCrEt NeXt DoOr!!! $70 - 28
(Colorado Springs, Pikes Peak Incall or Outcalls)
YoUr SeNsATiOnal LiTtLe SeCrEt NeXt DoOr!!! $60 - 28
(Colorado Springs, South Nevada Incall or Outcalls)
ThE HoTtEsT LiTtLe SeCrEt NeXt DoOr AvAiLaBlE NoW!! $70 - 28
(Colorado Springs, I-25 and fillmore area Incall / Outcalls)
The Sexiest Italian! New Pix! Incall Special & Military Specials! - 25
(Colorado Springs, My place or Your Place)
Sweet,Sexy and Excellent Playmate With Personality! $70 incall special - 28
(Colorado Springs, South Nevada Ave/ Chelton and Hancock)
my place 2 nite # 719-740-6377 lots of fun!! ur invited, $200 donation only. - 26
(co.springs. availabe NOW)
°•»Marvelous Monday Magic«•°602.6672 •°C.Springs #1 *BiG•bOOty* *SeXy•Beauty* °• TopNotch 5☆SeRvICe! - 23
(Colorado Springs)
INCALL ▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ Sexy ❀ BOMBSHELL❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ SWEET & PLAYFUL ❀ PERFECT PLAYMATE ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ - 25
(Colorado Springs)
♡♡♡Curvy Brunette ☆Sweet Personality ☆ Seductive Eyes ☆ Long Legs ☆ Thick Thighs! ♡♡♡ - 30
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Incall)
☎ 719-644-4296 💏 Analinda 👑 Monday: Hour w/ massage 160 roses ⛵ Its like Heaven When Ur Here 👼 - 23
(Colorado Springs, Down Town Incall)
°•»In & Out Specials«•° 602.6672 °•° ¤#1 *BiG•bOOty* ¤ *SeXy•Beauty*°• TopNotch SERVICE - 23
(Colorado Springs)
YoUr SeNsATiOnal LiTtLe SeCrEt NeXt DoOr!!! $60 - 28
(Colorado Springs, South Nevada Incall or Outcalls)
NEW INCALL __ (( *ExTrEmElY * )) —*HOTT* —(( *Sexy * )) — Perfect Round A.S.S - Emma
(Colorado Springs, Denver, Pueblo, INCALL DOWN TOWN COS / OUTCALL COS)
♡♡♡Curvy Brunette ☆Sweet Personality ☆ Seductive Eyes ☆ Long Legs ☆ Thick Thighs! ♡♡♡ - 30
(Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs Incall)
°•60in/ $80out•° °•••>1 Of A Kind & Top Of The Line *°Sexy BIG BOOTY Beauty°* Available 24/7 - 23
(Colorado Springs)
Fri 10 Jan
ThE HoTtEsT LiTtLe SeCrEt NeXt DoOr AvAiLaBlE NoW!! $70 - 28
(Colorado Springs, I-25 and fillmore area Incall / Outcalls)
❄🌬..CoMe WarM Up🔥 W/ Ur HoTt💋DeSirE 🌟WaNna 2PLAY W/mE UnDerCoVerz 💯♯1BeSt🌠🌠 - 40
(Colorado Springs, Colorado springs(westside))
Thu 09 Jan
The Sexiest Italian! New Pix! Incall Special & Military Specials! - 25
(Colorado Springs, My place or Your Place)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
◆█◆█★♡♡▄❤ (( HoT ))♥_= C_A_T_C_H = ( ME ) =_♥_= W_H_I_L_E = ( U ) = C_A_N =_♥♡♡▄★ - 25
(Colorado Springs)
Mon 06 Jan
Ask About My Special�💎★GORGeous💦 °Mixed Ebony💋 BeaUTy ★Incall Only★ FREaky ★YOUng 💦ALL REAL👑 💯 - 19
(Colorado Springs, Fountain Colorado)
°•60in/ $80out•° °•••>1 Of A Kind & Top Of The Line *°Sexy BIG BOOTY Beauty°* Available 24/7 - 23
(Colorado Springs)
°$60in/ $80out° *•2013~q Yr of DREAMS•* Especially when u start w/ME! *°Sexy BIG BOOTY Beauty°* - 23
(Colorado Springs)
in the spring/falcon /peyton tonight # 719-740-6377 lots of fun!! ur invited, $250 donation only. - 26
(co.springs/peyton/falcon availabe NOW)
Sun 05 Jan
my place 2 nite # 719-740-6377 lots of fun!! ur invited, $200 donation only. - 26
(co.springs. availabe NOW)
Sat 04 Jan
NEW INCALL __ (( *ExTrEmElY * )) —*HOTT* —(( *Sexy * )) — Perfect Round A.S.S - Emma
(Colorado Springs, Denver, Pueblo, INCALL DOWN TOWN COS / OUTCALL COS)
Sweet,Sexy and Excellent Playmate With Personality! $70 incall special - 28
(Colorado Springs, South Nevada Ave/ Chelton and Hancock)
INCALL ▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ Sexy ❀ BOMBSHELL❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ SWEET & PLAYFUL ❀ PERFECT PLAYMATE ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ - 25
(Colorado Springs)
°$60in/ $80out° *•2013~q Yr of DREAMS•* Especially when u start w/ME! *°Sexy BIG BOOTY Beauty°* - 23
(Colorado Springs)
Fri 03 Jan
◆█◆█★♡♡▄❤ (( HoT ))♥_= C_A_T_C_H = ( ME ) =_♥_= W_H_I_L_E = ( U ) = C_A_N =_♥♡♡▄★ - 25
(Colorado Springs)
$60In•$80Out♥ KiLLER CuRVES ♥ BEST BOOTY ♥¤719.602.6672 ¤♥ TOP NOTCH 5 ☆ SeRvICe! ♥ click ╚» HERE! - 23
(Colorado Springs, now avail 4 outcalls to Fort Carson too!)
Thu 02 Jan